WH Girl's Summer Lacrosse Leagues

2022 WH Girl's / Women's Summer Lacrosse Leagues

Youth League - Entering Grades 7-10

Thursday Evenings - Whitman Hanson Regional High School Turf

7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11 (No rain makeup dates)

$70 + US Lacrosse Membership $30

6:00 -7:00 PM - entering Grades 7-10


Adult Women's League

7:00 -8:00 PM - Post College / Collegiate / recent HS grades. ( and HS entering 12th grade only)

Adult Women's Registration Form 18+

Adult Women's Registration Form Under 18

7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11 (No rain makeup dates)

The format is a 5 min warm up and a 45 minute game (roughly 22 min halves)

The game format depend on the number of players

7v7 (2-2-2+G), 8v8 (2-3-2+G), 10v10 (3-3-3+G), 12v12

$70 for the Summer +US Lacrosse Membership $35-$55

Questions about the Summer Lacrosse programs - Email AC Decker, Whitman Hanson High Girls Head Coach, at whlax1@gmail.com


Venmo @AC-Decker (in What's it For? put - "WHSL") or

Check to "WH Lax Camps" - bring to with you (Cash okay too) or

mail to" Attn: WH Girls Lacrosse, WHRHS, 600 Franklin Street, Whitman, MA 02382

*Game Format

You come when you can. Teams will be established each week with the aim to have balanced teams.

Summer Lacrossel is just that - throwing and defending the Lax Ball during the summer.

The type of play will depend on who shows up.

Town players may be divided up to help keep balanced teams

Please Arrive at least 15 min before game time